Verstärkung für die Valkyries

Die Amerikanerin Jordan Richwood wird die Valkyries als Pitcher und Coach dieses Jahr in der ASL unterstützen. Um sie vorab schon ein wenig näher kennenzulernen, haben wir ihr ein paar Fragen gestellt:  
1. Could you please give a short introduction of yourself. How would you describe yourself as a person?
Name: Jordan Richwood 
I’m originally from San Mateo, California and now live in Memphis, Tennessee. 
I have one younger sister & a dog named Rex. I also am an aunt to my roommates dogs who I am obsessed with. 
I would say I am kind of goofy and love to laugh but that’s once I’m comfortable around the people I’m with. 
2. When, how and why did you start playing softball? And why softball?
I started playing softball when I was about 7 years old and I think my mom signed me up just to get into a sport. I cried my first practice and hated every minute of it those first few weeks but don’t remember why! 
3. What positions did you / do you play?
In high school I was a pitcher and third baseman but just pitched in college.
4. What teams did you play for? What was your biggest success?
During travel ball, before college, I played for the San Jose Sting and the Sorcerers. During my time on the Sorcerers I decided on going to the university of Memphis once high school was done and I’ve been in Memphis ever since. I would say my biggest success was my freshman and sophomore year of college. I made the all freshman team for Conference USA then as a senior had a couple accolades and beat some pretty tough teams. 
5. You like more playing or coaching – or is it just two different things?
 I wouldn’t be able to choose playing or coaching. They are very different but I think I’ve fallen in love with coaching and continue to fall in love with coaching because you get to change female athletes lives. Not just in sports or softball but it’s about the life lessons and relationships that hopefully last a life time. 
6. What is your intention to come to Europe / Austria? What are your goals with the Valkyries?
My intentions in coming to Europe and Austria is to become a better coach and player myself but also reach out to the players around me. My main goal is to have an open mind, softball is an ever changing and growing sport and isn’t played just one way, so my hope is to take in everything the players have been taught and everything I know and have been taught and use that to best coach and help the team. 
7. On the field (playing or coaching), do you have any weird rituals, e.g. something you do before every pitch?
I’m the least superstitious player probably around. I have my pitching routine but it’s nothing wild or crazy. The only thing that’s a little weird is if I’m pitching I don’t talk so much in the dugout because I’m getting mentally focused. But if I’m not playing or specifically pitching then I will be super loud in the dugout. 
8. Do you have an idol or favorite team?
An athlete that I loved and still do love is Brian Wilson who pitched for the San Francisco Giants. He was super weird, and quirky but was really good. I admired him for sticking to who he truly was and showing his true self on the field and not seeming to care what others thought about it. 
In the sport of softball, I would have to say that I really look up to “The Packaged Deal”. This is a group of four softball players who, after college, put together a business to teach girls the sport and travel across the USA to spread their knowledge and love for the game. They are awesome and give so much to the sport and it’s truly amazing to see all they do. 
9. What other hobbies do you have? Do you have a hidden talent?
I like to read, workout, and find places with great coffee! I have no hidden talents besides I love to watch and play soccer. The only hidden talent I can think of is a professional caffeine consumer 1f602.png
10. What music / movies / series do you like? Are there any guilty pleasures?
I love a good scary movie, insidious is probably one of favorites. But I’m also a huge marvel movie fan. 
I listen to all kinds of music from country to rap to reggae. Just depends on my mood. 
Murder mystery books would be my top pick or biographies/stories about people who’ve made it through tough times and changed their life. 
My one guilty pleasure is a Japanese anime cartoon called attack on titan, everyone should watch it. It’s pretty amazing.
Die Valkyries freuen sich sehr, sowohl Pitcherin als auch Coaching-Unterstützung in einer Person gefunden zu haben und hoffen, viel zu lernen. 
Welcome to the team, Jordan!

Text von Ira Paulat

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